Boron Family Periodic Table Oxygen Family Periodic Table

Chemical elements in group 13 of the periodic table

Boron group (group 13)
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Glucinium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silverish Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Golden Mercury (chemical element) Thallium Atomic number 82 Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson

group 12 ← → carbon group

IUPAC group number 13
Name by element boron grouping
Trivial name triels

CAS group number
(Usa, pattern A-B-A)


sometime IUPAC number
(Europe, pattern A-B)



Image: Boron chunks

Boron (B)
5 Metalloid

Image: Aluminium metal

Aluminium (Al)
13 Other metal

Image: Gallium crystals

Gallium (Ga)
31 Other metallic

Image: Ductile indium wire

Indium (In)
49 Other metal

Image: Thallium pieces stored in a glass ampoule under argon atmosphere

Thallium (Tl)
81 Other metal
7 Nihonium (Nh)
113 other metallic


primordial element
constructed chemical element
Diminutive number color:

The boron grouping are the chemic elements in grouping thirteen of the periodic table, comprising boron (B), aluminium (Al), gallium (Ga), indium (In), thallium (Tl), and perhaps also the chemically uncharacterized nihonium (Nh). The elements in the boron group are characterized by having three valence electrons.[i] These elements have also been referred to as the triels.[a]

Boron is commonly classified as a (metalloid) while the remainder, with the possible exception of nihonium, are considered postal service-transition metals. Boron occurs sparsely, probably because bombardment by the subatomic particles produced from natural radioactivity disrupts its nuclei. Aluminium occurs widely on world, and indeed is the third most abundant element in the Earth'due south chaff (viii.3%).[3] Gallium is institute in the earth with an abundance of 13 ppm. Indium is the 61st most arable element in the globe's crust, and thallium is found in moderate amounts throughout the planet. Nihonium is not known to occur in nature and therefore is termed a synthetic element.

Several group thirteen elements accept biological roles in the ecosystem. Boron is a trace element in humans and is essential for some plants. Lack of boron can lead to stunted plant growth, while an excess can also cause impairment past inhibiting growth. Aluminium has neither a biological role nor significant toxicity and is considered safe. Indium and gallium can stimulate metabolism;[4] gallium is credited with the ability to bind itself to iron proteins. Thallium is highly toxic, interfering with the function of numerous vital enzymes, and has seen use equally a pesticide.[5]

Characteristics [edit]

Like other groups, the members of this family unit show patterns in electron configuration, especially in the outermost shells, resulting in trends in chemical beliefs:

Z Element No. of electrons per shell
v boron 2, iii
13 aluminium 2, 8, 3
31 gallium 2, 8, 18, iii
49 indium ii, 8, eighteen, 18, iii
81 thallium 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 3
113 nihonium ii, 8, 18, 32, 32, eighteen, 3 (predicted)

The boron group is notable for trends in the electron configuration, as shown higher up, and in some of its elements' characteristics. Boron differs from the other grouping members in its hardness, refractivity and reluctance to participate in metallic bonding. An instance of a trend in reactivity is boron's tendency to class reactive compounds with hydrogen.[6]

Although situated in p-block, the grouping is notorious for violation of the octet rule past its members boron and (to a bottom extent) aluminium. These element may place only six electrons (in three molecular orbitals) onto valence shell. All members of the group are characterized equally trivalent.

Chemical reactivity [edit]

Hydrides [edit]

Most of the elements in the boron group bear witness increasing reactivity as the elements get heavier in atomic mass and college in atomic number. Boron, the start element in the group, is generally unreactive with many elements except at high temperatures, although it is capable of forming many compounds with hydrogen, sometimes called boranes.[seven] The simplest borane is diborane, or B2Hvi.[6] Some other example is B10H14.

The next group-xiii elements, aluminium and gallium, form fewer stable hydrides, although both AlHthree and GaHiii exist. Indium, the next element in the group, is not known to form many hydrides, except in complex compounds such as the phosphine circuitous H3InP(Cy)3.[8] No stable compound of thallium and hydrogen has been synthesized in any laboratory.

Oxides [edit]

All of the boron-group elements are known to form a trivalent oxide, with ii atoms of the element bonded covalently with three atoms of oxygen. These elements testify a trend of increasing pH (from acidic to bones).[14] Boron oxide (BiiOiii) is slightly acidic, aluminium and gallium oxide (Al2O3 and Ga2O3 respectively) are amphoteric, indium(III) oxide (In2O3) is near amphoteric, and thallium(III) oxide (TltwoOthree) is a Lewis base of operations because it dissolves in acids to form salts. Each of these compounds are stable, but thallium oxide decomposes at temperatures higher than 875 °C.

A powdered sample of boron trioxide (B2Oiii), one of the oxides of boron

Halides [edit]

The elements in group thirteen are besides capable of forming stable compounds with the halogens, ordinarily with the formula MX3 (where One thousand is a boron-group element and 10 is a element of group vii.)[fifteen] Fluorine, the commencement halogen, is able to class stable compounds with every element that has been tested (except neon and helium),[16] and the boron grouping is no exception. It is even hypothesized that nihonium could form a compound with fluorine, NhF3, before spontaneously decomposable due to nihonium's radioactivity. Chlorine likewise forms stable compounds with all of the elements in the boron grouping, including thallium, and is hypothesized to react with nihonium. All of the elements will react with bromine under the right weather condition, every bit with the other halogens but less vigorously than either chlorine or fluorine. Iodine will react with all natural elements in the periodic table except for the noble gases, and is notable for its explosive reaction with aluminium to form 2AlI3.[17] Astatine, the heaviest halogen, has only formed a few compounds, due to its radioactive decay and short one-half-life, and no reports of a compound with an At–Al, –Ga, –In, –Tl, or –Nh bail accept been seen, although scientists think that it should form salts with metals.[18]

Physical properties [edit]

It has been noticed that the elements in the boron group have similar physical backdrop, although well-nigh of boron'southward are exceptional. For instance, all of the elements in the boron grouping, except for boron itself, are soft. Moreover, all of the other elements in group 13 are relatively reactive at moderate temperatures, while boron's reactivity only becomes comparable at very high temperatures. 1 characteristic that all exercise accept in mutual is having three electrons in their valence shells. Boron, being a metalloid, is a thermal and electrical insulator at room temperature, merely a good conductor of heat and electricity at high temperatures.[ix] Unlike boron, the metals in the group are good conductors nether normal conditions. This is in accordance with the long-standing generalization that all metals behave heat and electricity meliorate than most non-metals.[nineteen]

Oxidation states [edit]

The inert s-pair event is significant in the grouping-thirteen elements, especially the heavier ones like thallium. This results in a variety of oxidation states. In the lighter elements, the +3 land is the nigh stable, just the +ane land becomes more prevalent with increasing atomic number, and is the well-nigh stable for thallium.[20] Boron is capable of forming compounds with lower oxidization states, of +1 or +ii, and aluminium can do the same.[21] Gallium can grade compounds with the oxidation states +1, +2 and +3. Indium is like gallium, but its +1 compounds are more stable than those of the lighter elements. The strength of the inert-pair effect is maximal in thallium, which is mostly but stable in the oxidation state of +1, although the +3 state is seen in some compounds. Stable and monomeric gallium, indium and thallium radicals with a formal oxidation state of +2 have since been reported.[22] Nihonium may have +5 oxidation state.[23]

Periodic trends [edit]

There are several trends that ane could notice as they look at the properties of Boron group members. The Boiling Points of these elements drop from period to period, while densities tend to rise.

The 5 stable elements of the boron grouping

Element Humid Point Density (g/cm3)
Boron four,000°C two.46
Aluminium 2,519°C 2.7
Gallium 2,204°C 5.904
Indium ii,072°C 7.31
Thallium 1,473°C 11.85

Nuclear [edit]

With the exception of the synthetic nihonium, all of the elements of the boron group have stable isotopes. Because all their atomic numbers are odd, boron, gallium and thallium take but 2 stable isotopes, while aluminium and indium are monoisotopic, having merely i, although almost indium establish in nature is the weakly radioactive 115In. 10B and 11B are both stable, as are 27Al, 69Ga and 71Ga, 113In, and 203Tl and 205Tl.[24] All of these isotopes are readily found in macroscopic quantities in nature. In theory, though, all isotopes with an atomic number greater than 66 are supposed to be unstable to alpha decay. Conversely, all elements with atomic numbers are less than or equal to 66 (except Tc, Pm, Sm and European union) have at to the lowest degree one isotope that is theoretically energetically stable to all forms of disuse (with the exception of proton decay, which has never been observed, and spontaneous fission, which is theoretically possible for elements with atomic numbers greater than xl).

Like all other elements, the elements of the boron group have radioactive isotopes, either found in trace quantities in nature or produced synthetically. The longest-lived of these unstable isotopes is the indium isotope 115In, with its extremely long half-life of 4.41 × 1014 y. This isotope makes up the vast majority of all naturally occurring indium despite its slight radioactive decay. The shortest-lived is 7B, with a half-life of a mere 350±50 × x−24 south, being the boron isotope with the fewest neutrons and a half-life long plenty to measure. Some radioisotopes have of import roles in scientific research; a few are used in the production of goods for commercial use or, more rarely, as a component of finished products.[25]

History [edit]

The boron group has had many names over the years. According to quondam conventions it was Group IIIB in the European naming system and Group IIIA in the American. The group has also gained two commonage names, "world metals" and "triels". The latter name is derived from the Latin prefix tri- ("iii") and refers to the three valence electrons that all of these elements, without exception, have in their valence shells.[1]

Boron was known to the ancient Egyptians, but only in the mineral borax. The metalloid element was not known in its pure form until 1808, when Humphry Davy was able to excerpt it by the method of electrolysis. Davy devised an experiment in which he dissolved a boron-containing chemical compound in water and sent an electrical current through it, causing the elements of the compound to split up into their pure states. To produce larger quantities he shifted from electrolysis to reduction with sodium. Davy named the element boracium. At the same fourth dimension 2 French chemists, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Louis Jacques Thénard, used atomic number 26 to reduce boric acrid. The boron they produced was oxidized to boron oxide.[26] [27]

Aluminium, similar boron, was showtime known in minerals earlier it was finally extracted from alum, a common mineral in some areas of the world. Antoine Lavoisier and Humphry Davy had each separately tried to excerpt it. Although neither succeeded, Davy had given the metal its current proper name. Information technology was only in 1825 that the Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted successfully prepared a rather impure grade of the element. Many improvements followed, a significant advance beingness fabricated just two years later past Friedrich Wöhler, whose slightly modified procedure still yielded an impure product. The first pure sample of aluminium is credited to Henri Etienne Sainte-Claire Deville, who substituted sodium for potassium in the procedure. At that time aluminium was considered precious, and it was displayed next to such metals as gold and silver.[27] [28] The method used today, electrolysis of aluminium oxide dissolved in cryolite, was developed past Charles Martin Hall and Paul Héroult in the late 1880s.[27]

The mineral zinc blende, more unremarkably known as sphalerite, in which indium can occur.

Thallium, the heaviest stable chemical element in the boron grouping, was discovered past William Crookes and Claude-Auguste Lamy in 1861. Dissimilar gallium and indium, thallium had not been predicted by Dmitri Mendeleev, having been discovered before Mendeleev invented the periodic table. As a result, no i was really looking for it until the 1850s when Crookes and Lamy were examining residues from sulfuric acid production. In the spectra they saw a completely new line, a streak of deep greenish, which Crookes named after the Greek word θαλλός ( thallos ), referring to a dark-green shoot or twig. Lamy was able to produce larger amounts of the new metal and adamant well-nigh of its chemic and physical properties.[29] [thirty]

Indium is the fourth element of the boron group but was discovered before the third, gallium, and after the fifth, thallium. In 1863 Ferdinand Reich and his assistant, Hieronymous Theodor Richter, were looking in a sample of the mineral zinc blende, also known as sphalerite (ZnS), for the spectroscopic lines of the newly discovered element thallium. Reich heated the ore in a coil of platinum metal and observed the lines that appeared in a spectroscope. Instead of the dark-green thallium lines that he expected, he saw a new line of deep indigo-blue. Concluding that it must come from a new element, they named it afterwards the feature indigo color information technology had produced.[29] [31]

Gallium minerals were non known earlier August 1875, when the element itself was discovered. Information technology was ane of the elements that the inventor of the periodic table, Dmitri Mendeleev, had predicted to exist 6 years before. While examining the spectroscopic lines in zinc blende the French chemist Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran constitute indications of a new element in the ore. In just 3 months he was able to produce a sample, which he purified by dissolving information technology in a potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution and sending an electric current through it. The adjacent calendar month he presented his findings to the French University of Sciences, naming the new chemical element subsequently the Greek proper noun for Gaul, modernistic French republic.[32] [33]

The concluding confirmed element in the boron group, nihonium, was not discovered but rather created or synthesized. The element'southward synthesis was kickoff reported past the Dubna Joint Establish for Nuclear Research team in Russia and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the United States, though it was the Dubna team who successfully conducted the experiment in Baronial 2003. Nihonium was discovered in the decay chain of moscovium, which produced a few precious atoms of nihonium. The results were published in January of the post-obit year. Since then effectually xiii atoms take been synthesized and diverse isotopes characterized. However, their results did non come across the stringent criteria for existence counted every bit a discovery, and it was the afterward RIKEN experiments of 2004 aimed at straight synthesizing nihonium that were acknowledged by IUPAC as the discovery.[34]

Etymology [edit]

The name "boron" comes from the Arabic discussion for the mineral borax,(بورق, boraq) which was known before boron was ever extracted. The "-on" suffix is thought to have been taken from "carbon".[35] Aluminium was named past Humphry Davy in the early 1800s. It is derived from the Greek give-and-take alumen, meaning biting salt, or the Latin alum, the mineral.[36] Gallium is derived from the Latin Gallia, referring to France, the place of its discovery.[37] Indium comes from the Latin word indicum, meaning indigo dye, and refers to the element's prominent indigo spectroscopic line.[38] Thallium, like indium, is named later the Greek give-and-take for the color of its spectroscopic line: thallos , pregnant a green twig or shoot.[39] [40] "Nihonium" is named subsequently Japan (Nihon in Japanese), where it was discovered.

Occurrence and abundance [edit]

Boron [edit]

Boron, with its atomic number of 5, is a very light element. Almost never establish free in nature, it is very depression in affluence, composing just 0.001% (10 ppm)[41] of the World's chaff. It is known to occur in over a hundred different minerals and ores, notwithstanding: the master source is borax, but it is besides found in colemanite, boracite, kernite, tusionite, berborite and fluoborite.[42] Major earth miners and extractors of boron include Turkey, the United States, Argentine republic, People's republic of china, Bolivia and Republic of peru. Turkey is past far the almost prominent of these, accounting for around 70% of all boron extraction in the world. The United States is second, most of its yield coming from the land of California.[43]

Aluminium [edit]

Aluminium, in contrast to boron, is the well-nigh arable metallic in the Earth'due south crust, and the third nigh abundant element. It composes most eight.2% (82,000 ppm) of the Globe'southward chaff, surpassed only by oxygen and silicon.[41] It is like boron, however, in that information technology is uncommon in nature every bit a free chemical element. This is due to aluminium'due south tendency to concenter oxygen atoms, forming several aluminium oxides. Aluminium is now known to occur in nearly equally many minerals as boron, including garnets, turquoises and beryls, but the chief source is the ore bauxite. The earth's leading countries in the extraction of aluminium are Ghana, Surinam, Russia and Republic of indonesia, followed past Commonwealth of australia, Guinea and Brazil.[44]

Gallium [edit]

Gallium is a relatively rare element in the Earth'southward chaff and is not found in as many minerals as its lighter homologues. Its affluence on the World is a mere 0.0018% (xviii ppm).[41] Its production is very low compared to other elements, just has increased greatly over the years as extraction methods have improved. Gallium can exist found equally a trace in a variety of ores, including bauxite and sphalerite, and in such minerals equally diaspore and germanite. Trace amounts have been plant in coal as well.[45] The gallium content is greater in a few minerals, including gallite (CuGaS2), but these are as well rare to be counted as major sources and make negligible contributions to the earth's supply.

Indium [edit]

Indium is some other rare element in the boron grouping. Fifty-fifty less abundant than gallium at only 0.000005% (0.05 ppm),[41] it is the 61st most common element in the earth's crust. Very few indium-containing minerals are known, all of them deficient: an example is indite. Indium is found in several zinc ores, but simply in minute quantities; besides some copper and lead ores contain traces. Equally is the case for almost other elements found in ores and minerals, the indium extraction procedure has become more efficient in recent years, ultimately leading to larger yields. Canada is the world's leader in indium reserves, simply both the United States and People's republic of china have comparable amounts.[46]

Thallium [edit]

A pocket-size bundle of fiberglass

Thallium is of intermediate abundance in the Earth's crust, estimated to be 0.00006% ( ppm).[41] Thallium is the 56th most common chemical element in the earth'due south crust, more abundant than indium past a sizeable corporeality. It is plant on the footing in some rocks, in the soil and in clay. Many sulfide ores of fe, zinc and cobalt contain thallium. In minerals information technology is found in moderate quantities: some examples are crookesite (in which it was offset discovered), lorandite, routhierite, bukovite, hutchinsonite and sabatierite. At that place are other minerals that incorporate minor amounts of thallium, but they are very rare and do not serve as chief sources.

Nihonium [edit]

Nihonium is an element that is never found in nature but has been created in a laboratory. It is therefore classified every bit a synthetic element with no stable isotopes.

Applications [edit]

With the exception of constructed nihonium, all the elements in the boron grouping have numerous uses and applications in the product and content of many items.

Boron [edit]

Boron has found many industrial applications in recent decades, and new ones are still existence plant. A common application is in fiberglass.[47] There has been rapid expansion in the market place for borosilicate glass; about notable among its special qualities is a much greater resistance to thermal expansion than regular glass. Another commercially expanding use of boron and its derivatives is in ceramics. Several boron compounds, especially the oxides, accept unique and valuable properties that have led to their exchange for other materials that are less useful. Boron may be constitute in pots, vases, plates, and ceramic pan-handles for its insulating properties.

The compound borax is used in bleaches, for both wearing apparel and teeth. The hardness of boron and some of its compounds give it a wide array of additional uses. A small part (5%) of the boron produced finds utilize in agriculture.[47]

Aluminium [edit]

Aluminium is a metallic with numerous familiar uses in everyday life. It is most often encountered in construction materials, in electrical devices, particularly as the conductor in cables, and in tools and vessels for cooking and preserving food. Aluminium's lack of reactivity with food products makes it specially useful for canning. Its loftier affinity for oxygen makes it a powerful reducing agent. Finely powdered pure aluminium oxidizes chop-chop in air, generating a huge amount of heat in the process (burning at most 5500 °F or 3037 °C), leading to applications in welding and elsewhere that a big amount of heat is needed. Aluminium is a component of alloys used for making lightweight bodies for shipping. Cars also sometimes comprise aluminium in their framework and trunk, and at that place are similar applications in armed forces equipment. Less common uses include components of decorations and some guitars. The element is besides sees apply in a diverse range of electronics.[48] [49]

Gallium is one of the chief components of bluish LEDs

Gallium [edit]

Gallium and its derivatives have only found applications in contempo decades. Gallium arsenide has been used in semiconductors, in amplifiers, in solar cells (for instance in satellites) and in tunnel diodes for FM transmitter circuits. Gallium alloys are used mostly for dental purposes. Gallium ammonium chloride is used for the leads in transistors.[50] A major application of gallium is in LED lighting. The pure chemical element has been used every bit a dopant in semiconductors,[ citation needed ] and has additional uses in electronic devices with other elements. Gallium has the belongings of being able to 'moisture' glass and porcelain, and thus tin can be used to make mirrors and other highly reflective objects. Gallium can be added to alloys of other metals to lower their melting points.

Indium [edit]

Indium's uses tin be divided into four categories: the largest office (seventy%) of the production is used for coatings, commonly combined as indium can oxide (ITO); a smaller portion (12%) goes into alloys and solders; a like corporeality is used in electric components and in semiconductors; and the final 6% goes to minor applications.[51] Among the items in which indium may be found are platings, bearings, display devices, heat reflectors, phosphors, and nuclear command rods. Indium tin can oxide has plant a broad range of applications, including glass coatings, solar panels, streetlights, electrophosetic displays (EPDs), electroluminescent displays (ELDs), plasma display panels (PDPs), electrochemic displays (ECs), field emission displays (FEDs), sodium lamps, windshield glass and cathode ray tubes, making it the single most important indium compound.[52]

Thallium [edit]

Thallium is used in its elemental grade more often than the other boron-group elements. Uncompounded thallium is used in low-melting spectacles, photoelectric cells, switches, mercury alloys for low-range drinking glass thermometers, and thallium salts. It can be found in lamps and electronics, and is also used in myocardial imaging. The possibility of using thallium in semiconductors has been researched, and it is a known catalyst in organic synthesis. Thallium hydroxide (TlOH) is used mainly in the product of other thallium compounds. Thallium sulfate (Tl2SOfour) is an outstanding vermin-killer, and it is a principal component in some rat and mouse poisons. Withal, the Usa and some European countries have banned the substance considering of its high toxicity to humans. In other countries, though, the market for the substance is growing. TltwoAnd so4 is also used in optical systems.[53]

Biological role [edit]

None of the grouping-13 elements has a major biological role in complex animals, just some are at least associated with a living existence. As in other groups, the lighter elements usually have more biological roles than the heavier. The heaviest ones are toxic, as are the other elements in the aforementioned periods. Boron is essential in most plants, whose cells apply it for such purposes as strengthening jail cell walls. It is plant in humans, certainly as a essential trace element, only there is ongoing debate over its significance in human being diet. Boron's chemistry does allow information technology to class complexes with such of import molecules equally carbohydrates, then it is plausible that it could exist of greater apply in the human torso than previously idea. Boron has also been shown to be able to supervene upon iron in some of its functions, particularly in the healing of wounds.[54] Aluminium has no known biological role in plants or animals. Gallium is not essential for the human body, but its relation to fe(III) allows it to become bound to proteins that transport and shop iron.[55] Gallium can also stimulate metabolism. Indium and its heavier homologues have no biological part, although indium salts in small doses, similar gallium, can stimulate metabolism.[31]

Toxicity [edit]

All of the elements in the boron group can be toxic, given a high enough dose. Some of them are only toxic to plants, some only to animals, and some to both.

As an case of boron toxicity, it has been observed to harm barley in concentrations exceeding 20 mM.[56] The symptoms of boron toxicity are numerous in plants, complicating research: they include reduced cell division, decreased shoot and root growth, decreased production of foliage chlorophyll, inhibition of photosynthesis, lowering of stomata conductance, reduced proton extrusion from roots, and deposition of lignin and suborgin.[57]

Aluminium does not present a prominent toxicity take chances in minor quantities, merely very large doses are slightly toxic. Gallium is not considered toxic, although it may have some pocket-sized effects. Indium is not toxic and tin can be handled with nearly the same precautions as gallium, only some of its compounds are slightly to moderately toxic.

Thallium, different gallium and indium, is extremely toxic, and has caused many poisoning deaths. Its most noticeable effect, credible even from tiny doses, is hair loss all over the body, but information technology causes a wide range of other symptoms, disrupting and somewhen halting the functions of many organs. The nearly colorless, odorless and tasteless nature of thallium compounds has led to their use by murderers. The incidence of thallium poisoning, intentional and accidental, increased when thallium (with its similarly toxic chemical compound, thallium sulfate) was introduced to command rats and other pests. The use of thallium pesticides has therefore been prohibited since 1975 in many countries, including the USA.

Nihonium is a highly unstable element and decays by emitting alpha particles. Due to its stiff radioactivity, it would definitely be extremely toxic, although significant quantities of nihonium (larger than a few atoms) have not withal been assembled.[58]

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ The name icosagens for group xiii has occasionally been used,[ii] in reference to the icosahedral structures characteristically formed by its elements.
  2. ^ To this appointment, no nihonium compounds have been synthesized (except possibly NhOH), and all other proposed compounds are entirely theoretical.

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b Kotz, John C.; Treichel, Paul & Townsend, John Raymond (2009). Chemical science and chemic reactivity. Vol. 2. Belmont, Ca, U.s.: Thomson Books. p. 351. ISBN978-0-495-38712-1.
  2. ^ Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (second ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. p. 227. ISBN978-0-08-037941-8.
  3. ^ "Soviet Aluminium from Clay". New Scientist. One Shilling Weekly. 8 (191): 89. 1960.
  4. ^ Pharmacology and Nutritional Intervention in the Handling of Disease edited past Faik Atroshi, page 45
  5. ^ Dobbs, Michael (2009). Clinical neurotoxicology: syndromes, substances, environments. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders. pp. 276–278. ISBN978-0-323-05260-three.
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  7. ^ Raghavan, P. S. (1998). Concepts And Problems In Inorganic Chemistry. New Delhi, India: Discovery Publishing Business firm. p. 43. ISBN81-7141-418-4.
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  10. ^ Daintith, John (2004). Oxford dictionary of chemical science. Market House Books. ISBN978-0-nineteen-860918-6.
  11. ^ Bleshinsky, S. 5.; Abramova, V. F. (1958). Химия индия (in Russian). Frunze. p. 301.
  12. ^ Downs, pp. 195–196
  13. ^ Henderson, p. 6
  14. ^ Jellison, K. E.; Panek, 50. W.; Bray, P. J.; Rouse, Yard. B. (1977). "Determinations of structure and bonding in vitreous BiiO3 by means of B10, B11, and O17 NMR". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 66 (2): 802. Bibcode:1977JChPh..66..802J. doi:10.1063/1.433959. Retrieved June 16, 2011.
  15. ^ Henderson, p. threescore
  16. ^ Immature, J. P.; Haire, R. Thousand.; Peterson, J. R.; Ensor, D. D.; Swain, R. 50. (1981). "Chemical Consequences of Radioactive decay. 2. Spectrophotometric Written report of the Ingrowth of Berkelium-249 and Californium-249 Into Halides of Einsteinium-253". Inorganic Chemistry. 20 (11): 3979–3983. doi:10.1021/ic50225a076.
  17. ^ Francis, William (1918). "The Chemical Gazette, or Journal of Applied Chemical science". 16. Boston, Ma: 269.
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  19. ^ Girard, James Eastward. (2010). Criminalistics: Forensic Science, Crime and Terrorism. Jones & Bartlett Learning. p. 221. ISBN978-0-7637-7731-9.
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  56. ^ Fangsen, Xu (2007). Advances in found and animate being boron diet. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. p. 84. ISBN978-1-4020-5382-five.
  57. ^ Lovatt, Carol J.; Bates, Loretta M. (1984). "Early effects of excess boron on photosynthesis and growth". Journal of Experimental Botany. 35 (3): 297–305. doi:10.1093/jxb/35.3.297.
  58. ^ Dobbs, Michael (2009). Clinical neurotoxicology: syndromes, substances, environments. Philadelphia: Saunders. p. 277. ISBN978-0-323-05260-3.

Bibliography [edit]

  • Downs, Anthony John (1993). Chemical science of aluminium, gallium, indium, and thallium. Chapman and Hall Inc. pp. 197–201. ISBN978-0-7514-0103-5.
  • Emsley, John (2006). Nature's building blocks: an A-Z guide to the elements. Greenwood Printing. p. 192. ISBN978-0-19-850340-8.
  • Henderson, W. (2000). Main group chemistry. Cambridge, UK: The Royal Order of Chemistry. p. 6. ISBN0-85404-617-eight.

External links [edit]

  • oxide (chemical compound) – Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved on 2011-05-16.
  • Visual Elements: Grouping 13. Retrieved on 2011-05-16.
  • Trends In Chemical Reactivity Of Group thirteen Elements. Retrieved on 2011-05-sixteen.
  • [1] Retrieved on 2011-07-27


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